Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Brooks is almost two and suddenly he seems all grown up. 
Brooks started doing front flips out of his crib about six months ago so he got transferred to a mattress on the floor. 
We recently decided to upgrade him to his own bed and he loves it!

Thanks to Justin's parents who hooked him up with a bed!

Although, many times when I check on him he is asleep on the landing with his toys!

 Here are some pics of him with my cousin Marianne's little boy Brayden.

They had fun playing on the stairs and sliding on the floor with blankets.

Brooks decided to share all of his favorite foods with, marshmallows, candy, and peanut butter cookies. 
Brayden was in heaven with all this sugar and my cute cousin told me Brayden had only had his first taste of sugar, literally, the night before he came to our house because it was his first Birthday.
We were laughing so hard as Brooks kept giving him more junk wonder they were fast friends!

Brooks and Grandpa

Playing with Owen. 
Brooks and Owen were adopted a month apart. 
They must have been friends in heaven :)
Can you imagine these two little rascals being friends in heaven? 

This picture was taken tonight after I could not find Brooks. 
He was hiding under the Christmas tree playing with the iPod he is not supposed to touch!

Last week Brooks got an awful flu bug. He pretty much slept for two days straight. My heart broke for him :( Luckily he is back in good health!

Brooks loves cats. There is a little black cat that comes to our house quite a bit. Occasionally we will let it in for a few mins to play. 
Brooks is nuts about the kitty and good thing it is friendly 
because he cannot stop hugging and kissing it!

I am so overwhelmed with gratitude that I get to be a mom to Brooks and Connor! 
I cannot imagine life without my boys! 
The joy they bring me is unmeasurable!


Me said...

So so sweet! You have the cutest boys ever!! And they have the best mom!!

Rachel Leslie said...

I love your posts! Every time I visit your blog I think to myself how much fun our boys would have if we got them all together.

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