Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Here is Connor on the first day of school. He has his bear and lunch for "teddy bear picnic".

He had a field trip to the fire station. 

He was into taking silly pictures that day :)

and so were the fireman!

We also had a field trip to Black Island Farm.
Here he is with his good friend Logan. 

Connor and Brooks picking out their pumpkins.

Connor got a carrot he was pretty excited about! And of course he would be all Connor will eat is carrots, celery, and plain lettuce leaves! He might be turning into a rabbit my friends!

Who doesn't love Black Island Farms so many fun things to do! 
Most of my blog pictures have come from Erika's blog so I will be making an effort to snap away more often and get these cute boys' pictures on the blog!

We have some fun Halloween stuff coming up I will be sure to post!


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