Monday, June 17, 2013


Happy Birthday Connor!  4 years old!

We had Scales and Tails come for Connor's Birthday party this year.
Usually the Birthday boy is the special helper but Connor decided to let his friends join in on the action...he was a little intimidated after he watched Mr. Scales and Tails put a scorpion in his mouth!!! Crazy!!!

Here is Rhett holding a turtle.

Rex helping out.

Brooks tried sneaking into the gifts while everyone was preoccupied.

Redd holding an Australian lizard.

Mr. Kipling (from the disney channel's Jessie) decided to join the party!

He even gave Redd a kiss!!! I took the picture a few seconds too early.

Rylee was excited to join Rhett, Rex and Redd and be a helper...that's right Rylee, Rhett, Rex and it!

Being brave

Macie being brave :)

and last but not least...
Justin being brave.
In case you are not aware, Justin is terrified of snakes!!!


An albino python

Justin wasn't quite as brave as Redd...he did not kiss the snake!

Connor and his friends taking a turn!

Of course Brooks loved it!

And he climbed back into his box on his own!

Pretty crazy!  It has been a great four years with Connor and gone by way too fast!!  
We sure love him!


Becca Bird said...

What a fabulous party! I can't believe Connor is already 4. How fun!

Rachel Leslie said...

Whoa, that is one intense 4 year old party, I'm not sure I would be old enough to go! You've got some brave boys!

Me said...

It was so fun! Thanks for having us!! Happy birthday Connor!

Melissa said...

It was such a great party! The kids had a blast! Zachary and Macie could not stop talking about it all day! :)

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