Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Connor on his first day of preschool. 
 He's been going for a few weeks now and absolutely LOVES it!

Oma bought him some special stickers for his container and made him a darling back to school kit with stamps and pens and everything a three year old little boy would love.

There are five children in his class and Connor is the only boy.  The other day we were driving home and he rolled his eyes telling me that all the girls brought dolls to show and tell, but it's cool because they loved his remote control car.  
I am grateful for his darling teacher Angie for making school such a great experience for Connor!


JDRRKK said...

SO SWEET!!! I love back to school time, and all the kiddos just love going. He looked so cute with his new backpack and huge smile. So glad he is loving school :)

emily robbins said...

Hi. My name is Emily Robbins. I am writing a book about fun things to do with kids and families in Utah. One of the places I am highlighting is the Homestead cowboy campfires. I came across your photo of Sparky the cowboy in a google image search. I was wondering if you would let me use it in my book. I can't pay for the picture, but I will give you credit for the picture. Do you have any more pictures with Sparky in them? You can contact me at Would you mind removing this comment from your blog after you read it? Thank you! -Emily

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