Tuesday, March 22, 2011


My sweet baby boy has been sick.  He didn't get out of bed until 11:00 this morning. He snuggled his blanket watching television with a fever and tears all day.  Justin came home and we had to run a couple errands, we knew Connor didn't feel good and felt bad making him go out.  Being the great mother I am, I bribed my little man.  The deal was we get in the car and I would buy him a balloon. 

 To the Dollar Tree we went.  Connor was b-bopping around the store happy to have a balloon in hand along with a bouncy ball he found.  Justin was in awe that everything in the store could really only be a dollar. We're at the register and Justin's card wouldn't read. The cashier tried manually typing in the number and told us the card number is invalid.  What?! I check our bank account on Justin's smart phone to make sure we have money in the bank.  In the meantime we have a line of people behind us.  There is no way we can make Connor leave the store without the balloon and ball.  I finally pull up our bank account, plenty of money but the card is still not swiping.  Justin is embarrassed and the line is getting longer.  I ask the cashier if he can please ring up the other customers.  He informs us he's not sure if he can since he's already scanned our items.  

At this point Justin's dying of embarrassment and I'm trying my hardest not to laugh.  Our only option is to find some cash, and preferably fast considering the flock of people forming.   I'm at the car reaching under the seats praying I can find a couple dollars worth of spare change.  The line is even longer at this point.  Connor is finding more stuff he wants, Justin's deciding the Dollar Tree is not so cool after all, and I'm relived I found some quarters.  

We're getting some serious glares, but Connor is happy so it's all good. We were really hesitant if the card would work after that point and guess what?  It worked fine but it is looking a little hammered so we ordered Justin and new one to spare him future embarrassment!  
We got home and Connor climbed right back on the couch and laid down but was smiling cause he could see his balloon.  


Widdison said...

Oh man, that picture of Connor just breaks my heart! The Dollor Store story though.. oh my goodness.. Troy would have DIED! I had so much fun at lunch again, I love how Connor makes Shannon laugh!!

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