Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day

My Grandfather and Grandmother Cena do not have a gravesite.
They've done a lot for me and I love them dearly.
I wanted a way to honor them this memorial day.
I found this vase at my favorite antique store and filled it with flowers for them.
I think their spirits stop by to visit sometimes.
I also think they bring Grandpa Alan with them-who would be our sweet Cheri's father, otherwise known as Connor's biological Grandfather who Connor is named after.
He passed shortly before Connor was born.
My Dad stopped by today and surprised me with this lovely picture.
He knows me too well.
I love it!
It is now hanging on my wall.

Today is June 2.
Last year we hadn't even submitted our adoption papers, portfolio or had a home study done.
We put them in on June 4, received a phone call on June 14 that we'd been matched with a birthmother who was coming to Utah in two days to have our baby!

When people ask about our adoption experience I always tell them the things worth telling you can't explain.

I can tell you this...
I know Grandpa Alan, Grandpa Ed, Grandma Joan and many others were all a part of this process on the other side. We feel their love and support often!

I Hope you all had a wonderful memorial day!


Amber said...

That is so special Liz. Thanks for sharing that.

Mallory said...

Hey friend! :) Great post. It was so nice going to the temple with you guys last night! Let's do it again, sooner than later!

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