Thursday, July 28, 2011


 I've been terrible at taking photos this summer, but we've sure been having a lot of fun!!!
I'm so lucky to have my cute neighbor girls who are always up for park days, movies, the zoo.  Here are some photos I have taken.

My parents are remodeling their house this summer, so we've been seeing an extra lot of Christian and Matt and it's been so fun having them around!  Connor loves when his uncles sleep over! 

If you know Connor well you know he is head over hills in love with Riley!  The whole time at the zoo he was yelling Riley, Rhett, Riley, Rhett!!!!!  Some of our best friends in the whole world, what would we do without the Merrills?

I also couldn't ask for better neighbors!!!  Here is Connor with our next door neighbor Shannon at the movies.  Whenever we go outside he points to Shannon's house and asks me where the "pretty girl" is.  Shannon is known to laugh hysterically, like stop breathing she's laughing so hard, we love having her around! 

We headed up to Eden over the 24th of July.  My little brother Matt got his Eagle in scouts so my grandparents took the extended family to the Red Moose Lodge to celebrate.  We had about seventy people, it was a BLAST!!!!

Connor had so much fun, he loves nothing more than to be around kids! 
I really wish I would have taken more photos.  
We went on a pretty fun mountain bike trail.  My poor cousin Jenifer fell on her bike and got a pretty swollen eye.  When we asked if she was okay she had blood dripping from her eye put her hands in the air and told us it was the funnest bike ride she's ever been on!  
I can't thank my grandparents enough for the years and years of trips they've taken us on.  
Some of my best memories will always be with my Grandparents and cousins :)

Connor has also been upgraded from his crib to a twin bed.  The puppies sleep with him every night, Connor loves Elle and Bruiser, who needs stuffed animals when you have the real things?

Hope you're all having a wonderful Summer too!


JDRRKK said...

first...yay that i finally saw some of your upstairs, his room is a showhouse room. adorable.
second...i loved the zoo. too bad our arranged marriage wont work for connor and kenna. he seems to like older girls, but we can arrange for connor and rylee. she talks about him all the time. they were sooo cute that day! having you friend. i know my life would be so bleak without you in it.
love ya cute girl and our fun summer :)

Widdison said...

Aw! Connor and Shannon's FIRST date!! We need to get pictures of him driving her around on his 4-wheeler, it would be really cute! We couldn't ask for better neighbors either..

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