Sunday, January 31, 2010

Connor crawling

Here is a video of Connor crawling for the first time. He is trying to get Justin's cell phone. This isn't the most entertaining video but it was a great way to test our FLIP on the blog!


Brooke Boren said...

Elizabeth, this is Brooke Sorensen, your little boy is so stinkin cute!!! How is life? It has been forever! I have a blog too, if you want to check it out, its


Jennifer Dix said...

So great! Last time I saw this little guy he was just a newborn blob. Look at him go!

Garcizzals said...

YO YO!!! Glad your bloggin!! :) I do not have the time for it!! LOL Good Luck.

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

Yay girl! Congrats on your adoption and sealing!

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